
Routine Eating Salad Makes the Brain Age Younger? This is an Expert Explanation

Routine Eating Salad Makes the Brain Age Younger
Source: shutterstock.com

Salads are usually a mainstay food when on a diet. Not only that, a study reports that salads also have benefits for brain health. The nutritional content of salads is known to make the brain age 11 years younger. Check out the following expert explanation.

Benefits of salads for brain health according to research

Since childhood, you will be introduced to various types of vegetables and fruit. The goal, so that you like foods that nourish this body.

Besides being eaten directly or processed into a delicious menu, vegetables and fruits can also be made salads. Salad is a mixture of pieces of fruit and raw vegetables that are given a dressing, such as olive oil, honey, or mayonnaise.

Salad consisting of a variety of vegetables and fruit is certainly no doubt the benefits for the body. One of them, can maintain brain health.

A study published in the journal Neurology observed that salads turned out to have brain health benefits.

Martha Clare Morris, Sc.D., a nutritional epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center and her colleagues looked at 960 people aged 58-99 years.

The participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire about how often they ate vegetables, such as spinach, salad, or kale.

Morris and his colleagues continued to observe the brain health of the participants for 10 years.

The results showed that people who ate the most salads had the same brain conditions and functions as the previous 10 years.

The researchers also concluded that salads most likely have potential for brain health. Unfortunately, this study still needs further research.

However, the researchers believe that the benefits of salads for the brain are derived from the nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Some nutrients include protein, iron, fiber, vitamins, potassium, selenium, and antioxidants.

Vegetables and Fruit for Salads That are Good for Brain

Vegetables and Fruit for Salads That are Good for Brain
Source: shutterstock.com

Brain is a very complex central nervous system. Starting from thinking, remembering, to regulating the performance of other organs in the body.

If you want to maintain brain health, you can get used to eating lots of vegetables and fruit. If you don't really like it, making it into a salad can be an option.

Based on the nutrition, there are several rows of vegetables and fruits that are healthy for the brain and suitable for making salads, including:

1. Spinach

Not only made clear vegetables or sauteed, spinach can also be used as a salad that brings benefits to brain health.

Spinach is known to be rich in vitamin K, folate and beta carotene. All these nutrients are recognized as effective in slowing down the brain's aging process.

2. Avocados

In addition to making ice mixes, avocados can also be added to salads to add nutrients.

This fruit contains unsaturated fats which can increase blood flow to the brain. In addition, the antioxidant content of avocados can also prevent damage to cells in the body.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts are also one of the delicious ingredients made into salads, while having benefits for brain health.

Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, omega 3, and vitamin E. The nutritional content can prevent inflammation of the brain and improve memory.

Not only that, these beans can also make brain function better.

4. Beetroots

Beets are a kind of small and purple radish. This fruit contains natural nitrate and antioxidants which are good for blood circulation to the brain.

Incorporating beets into your salad has the benefit of optimally supporting brain function. In addition to the fruit, you can eat the part of the leaf or add it as a salad supplement.