
12 Healthiest Foods for People with Diabetes

Healthiest Foods for People with Diabetes
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Paying attention to food daily is one of the main keys for diabetics to control their blood sugar. Now from the various types of food out there, here are 12 of the best choices for diabetics' diets.

The Best Food for Diabetics

So far, most people consider the only healthy food for diabetics is brown rice. In fact, there are still many other foods that are also tasty, filling, and no less healthy for blood sugar.

1. Corn

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Reporting from the Asian Journal, a professor from the University of Philippines Los Banos, Dr. Artemio Salazar explained that corn has a low glycemic value so that it can be used as a staple food for rice which is good for diabetics.

Citing the Harvard Medical School page, the IG score of 100 grams of corn is 46, while the glycemic load is 14. In comparison, the glycemic load of 150 grams of white rice is 29. Basically, the lower the glycemic load of a food is the better for blood sugar.

Also, corn also contains resistant starch fibers which are more difficult for the body to digest. A recent study found that routinely eating resistant starch-rich corn every day can help diabetes control their blood sugar better. High-fiber foods also make you full longer.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes
Source: shutterstock.com
If you don't like corn, you might be able to exchange it with sweet potatoes.

In addition to filling, sweet potatoes are also beneficial for controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes. This is because sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index than potatoes. The glycemic value of one portion of boiled sweet potato is 44 while the boiled potato is 80.

The lower the glycemic value of food, the slower the food is processed into glucose. That is, foods that have a low glycemic score will not immediately dramatically increase blood sugar after eating.

The content of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium in sweet potatoes is also good for diabetics.

You can enjoy sweet potatoes in various ways, from boiling, baking, or pounding. Add other types of food so that the nutritional intake of your diabetes diet is more varied.

3. Whole Wheat

Whole Wheat
Source: shutterstock.com
Whole grains have long been named the healthiest food for diabetics. Well, one of the many favorite grain variants in a diabetic diet is whole wheat

Not surprising, because whole wheat is a food with a low glycemic value that is also high in fiber. These two beneficial combinations can help slow the absorption of glucose in the blood. Also, whole wheat also contains vitamins and minerals that are good for the body.

In addition to whole grains, grains that are also potentially good for blood sugar include:
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Barley
  • Black rice
  • Buckwheat

4. Green Leafy Vegetables

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Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and various other essential nutrients. Not only that. Green vegetables also tend to be low in calories and carbohydrates, so it is good for controlling diabetes blood sugar

Several studies have shown that the benefits of reducing diabetes blood sugar come from the abundant antioxidant content of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these antioxidants can also help protect the eye from macular degeneration and cataracts, which are the most common complications of diabetes.

Here are some types of green vegetables that are good as food for diabetics:
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Mustard
  • Bok Choy
  • Cabbage

From now, make sure to add green vegetables to your diabetes diet menu every day. Vegetables can be processed into a variety of delicious and nutritious foods. You can eat vegetables in vegetables, mixed salads, soups, stir-fries, and so on.

5. Nuts

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Nuts are a food choice for diabetics that are safe for consumption. Because the beans are rich in fiber and protein. Nuts also contain complex carbohydrates and have a low glycemic index.

Both make peanuts longer converted to glucose, so it does not cause a dramatic increase in blood sugar. Don't stop there. Nuts are also enriched by magnesium, which plays a role in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Here are some of the best bean choices for diabetics:
  • Almond nut
  • Walnuts
  • Cashew nut
  • Pstachio beans
  • Peanuts
  • Red beans

Although it can be used as a healthy snack, you must be careful in eating nuts. This is because nuts are high in calories. Eating too much beans can cause weight gain. While excess weight alone is one of the triggers of diabetes.

Therefore, consume nuts in a reasonable portion. Rather than buying packaged beans that are sold on the market, you should buy raw beans and do it yourself at home. Besides being healthier, you can also process snacks according to personal taste.

6. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds
Source: shutterstock.com
Chia seeds are excellent foods for diabetics. Chia seeds is very high in fiber but low in carbohydrates and calories, so it is safe to consume diabetics.

In fact, about 11 grams in 28 grams of chia seeds are fiber. The fiber content in chia seeds is effective to reduce hunger and make you full longer. In addition, chia seeds can also help lower blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

You can eat chia seeds directly or mix them into cooking. You can sprinkle chia seeds in salads, cereals, or even rice. You can also add chia seeds to yogurt, smoothies and pudding. The taste that resembles peanuts makes this one grain suitable for use in both savory and sweet dishes.

7. Berries

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Berries, including in this case strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. are high in antioxidants that can help prevent oxidative stress. Oxidative stress itself is closely related to insulin resistance and various other chronic diseases, such as heart disease and a number of cancers.

Besides being rich in antioxidants, berries are also high in fiber and contain various essential minerals and vitamins that are good for the body. The high fiber content in berries can help prevent drastic increases in sugar levels and make you full longer.

Berries also have a low glycemic index (less than 55) that effectively keeps your blood sugar stable.

8. Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits
Source: shutterstock.com
You might be hesitant to include oranges in your diabetes diet plan in the future. Orange is indeed a fruit with high sugar content. Instead of getting the benefits, you may worry that this orange fruit will actually increase blood sugar.

In fact, citrus fruits and other citrus families are safe for diabetics. Research has shown that citrus fruits, such as oranges, red grapefruit, and lemon have antidiabetic effects that help control blood sugar.

Citrus fruits are also high in fiber which is good for digestive health, and vitamin C which helps boost the immune system. In addition, citrus fruits are included in the list of low glycemic index foods.

Some experts believe that the content of two bioflavonoid antioxidants called hesperidin and naringin in the citrus fruit play a role in this.

9. Fish

Salmon Fish
Source: shutterstock.com
Not only delicious, fish turned out to be one of the foods rich in benefits for diabetics. Especially certain types of fish that contain healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.

The American Diabetes Association reports that a diet high in healthy fat can help control blood sugar while reducing lipid levels (blood fat) in people with diabetes.

Salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, vultures, and trout are a number of fish that are rich in healthy fats.

Make sure you are wise in processing the fish you will eat later. Instead of frying fish in a lot of oil, you should treat this one food by roasting, pressing it or making soup. To be healthier, add your processed fish with vegetables.

If you don't like to eat fish, you can consume seaweed and spirulina as a vegetable alternative source of fatty acids that are good for the body.

10. Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotic Yogurt
Source: shutterstock.com
Probiotics are good bacteria that help improve your digestive health and overall health. For people with diabetes, probiotics not only help lower blood sugar but also increase the production of the hormone insulin.

Research has found that probiotic yogurt can help increase good cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Increased levels of good cholesterol can help reduce the risk of diabetes in the future.

While other studies show that eating foods containing probiotics can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and reduce insulin resistance reactions for people with diabetes.

Eat a variant of plain (fresh) yogurt for snacks, a healthy breakfast menu, or dessert in your daily diabetes diet. Yogurt with various flavor variants made by adding a lot of sugar.

To make it taste better, you can add pieces of fresh fruit, such as strawberries, kiwi, mangoes, or apples.

11. Cinnamon

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You may be familiar with cinnamon. Aside from being a flavor enhancer, fragrant herbs are also potentially good for blood sugar and you should not underestimate them.

Cinnamon has been scientifically proven to reduce blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. The more your body is sensitive to the hormone insulin, the less the amount of insulin the body needs to make its blood sugar stable.

Even so, it is important to understand that cinnamon will not cure the diabetes you have. Instead, this herb only helps reduce blood sugar levels inside.

You also should not consume cinnamon excessively. The coumarin content in cinnamon is believed to cause hypoglycemia (blood sugar drops too low) which is dangerous for diabetics.

12. Shirataki Noodles

Shirataki Noodles
Source: shutterstock.com
Currently, Shirataki noodles are on the market as a superfood. Shirataki noodles are made from glucomannan, a type of fiber that comes from the roots of the konjac plant. That is why, shirataki noodles are also known as konjac noodles.

The shape is like noodles, glass noodles, or rice noodles but the content is certainly different. If noodles are usually high in carbohydrate flour, it's different with Shirataki noodles. Shirataki noodles include eating low in carbohydrates but high in fiber. Besides that, this noodle also contains a lot of water. In fact, about 97 percent of the content of Shirataki noodles is water.

Many say that this one noodle is a savior for losing weight and maintaining diabetes blood sugar levels.

In fact, research shows that glucomannan fibers in Shirataki noodles can help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance for diabetics. Glucomannan fibers can delay emptying of the stomach so that the distribution of glucose and insulin into the bloodstream runs more slowly. This effect can stabilize blood sugar after eating.

Other studies also found that people with type 2 diabetes who consumed glucomannan fiber for 3 weeks had a significant decrease in fructosamine. Fructosamine is a marker or indicator of blood sugar over the past 2-3 weeks.

Rules for a Correct and Safe Diabetes Diet

Viewed from the list, food choices for diabetics are actually almost the same as the food of the people in general. The principle that should be emphasized in a diabetic diet is balance and nutritional variation.

Make sure every meal menu of your day contains balanced nutrition such as fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and various other minerals and vitamins. However, limit as much as possible or avoid intake of sugar and additional salt, and bad fats. No less important, you also have to measure each portion to fit in accordance with your personal calorie needs.

Another key to a safe diabetes diet is to adjust the frequency of your eating hours. People who have diabetes are encouraged to eat small portions often. Doctors and nutritionists agree that diabetics are better off eating a little but often throughout the day, rather than directly eating big only three times a day.

Because, eating in large portions can increase blood sugar levels drastically and quickly. For people with diabetes, these conditions can worsen their condition.

Snack Menu

As a snack, you can eat when between breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner.

Snack foods that you consume are free. However, you should choose snacks that are rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. You can eat it directly or make juice or smoothies.

If you are still unsure or confused, don't hesitate to plan a diabetes diet menu every day by consulting a trusted nutritionist. Nutritionists can help calculate what your daily calorie needs are and what nutrients are important and you need to multiply, to determine the diabetes diet menu that best suits your condition.