
Wake Up Morning Can Make You Happy. These are 4 Reasons According to Research

benefits of waking up early
For some people, getting up early is the hardest thing to start the day. I don't know because sleeping too late or getting used to waking up late. However, according to the journal Emotion published in 2012, getting up in the morning makes you happier. How did it happen?

The reason why getting up in the morning turns out to make you happier

There are many reasons why you should start the habit of waking up in the morning. In fact, according to research this habit can make you happy because of the following things.

1. Have time to exercise

stretching exercises

People who are used to getting up early certainly have more time to exercise before starting their activities. Morning exercise is believed to be healthier than at night because it can interfere with the quality of your sleep. The following are some of the benefits of morning exercise that are good for your mental and physical health.
  • Burn more calories.
  • Get better sleep quality
  • Lower blood pressure
If the body is fit, this will affect your mood all day. In several studies it was also mentioned that people who routinely exercise make happy hormones more active.

2. Improve mood

increase happiness

Morning wake-up habits can improve mood, make you more alert, and improve the immune system.

In addition, as explained above, people who have a habit of getting up early can benefit from more exercise. For example, your body will release endorphins to improve your mood for the better, making you happier.

3. The habit of sleeping too late triggers depression


The reason why people who sleep too late are prone to depression is that they don't get enough sleep. Today, people tend to sacrifice their sleep time to work or just gather with friends until late at night. Even though tomorrow morning they still have to work.

A study published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine shows that lack of sleep can cause mental health problems. For example, increasing anxiety and depression. Therefore, getting enough sleep is one of the keys to happiness, even though it is not very visible.

In addition, there were other studies in 2009 that supported this statement. More than 3200 female nurses said that they did not experience symptoms of depression at the beginning of the study. However, after several tests of sleep patterns and their health, the statement changed.

The results showed that those who slept more late were more depressed than people who woke up early. However, still the factor of the occurrence of depression can also be influenced by several things besides sleep patterns, such as mental health which is influenced by the quality of sleep.

4. More cheerful

Cheerfulness is one of the virtues of people who like to wake up early. A journal in 2012 once discussed that people who wake up are usually healthier. This is because their daily activities are arranged neatly.

In the study, the participants were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 435 people aged 17-38 years and 297 other people aged 59-79 years. The two groups filled out a questionnaire regarding their emotional state.

The results showed that older people had more positive feelings than those who were younger. This is because the older groups have a habit of getting up early.

Apparently, the importance of waking up that morning was very much yes. Besides making you healthier, getting up early also makes you happier. Well, if you want to get up early, here are some tips to make it happen.

Tips for getting up early for a happier life

1. Change the hours of sleep

One of the virtues of waking up in the morning is indeed healthy and makes you happier. However, things that should be noted besides waking up are your hours of sleep.

If you sleep too late and wake up too early, it will make you more tired and not get enough sleep. Try to get around 7-8 hours of sleep a day.

2. Do activities that you enjoy

When you wake up in the morning, try to do the things you like to start the day. Like reading a newspaper or making breakfast. In essence, activities that make your mood improve.

3. Bedtime routine

Apparently, the routine before going to bed also affects your habits. Well, here are some things that you can try to improve sleep quality.
  • Sleep is turned off
  • Drink chamomile tea
  • Avoid spectacles that can make you upset or scared, so that the suliit sleeps.